C3 Virtual Whiskey Tasting

Join us, as Whiskey Ranger Creek brings the tasting room experience to your living room through a guided, expert-led, virtual tasting! Agenda: 6:30-6:45 - C3 presentation 6:45-7:15 - Guided whiskey experience 7:15-7:30- Q&A https://www.eventbrite.com/e/c3-virtual-whiskey-tasting-tickets-143165310297

C3 Virtual Magic Show

Gary Ferrar invites you and your family to a one-of-a-kind magical experience that will leave you at the edge of your seat! Agenda: 5:00-5:10 - C3 Presentation 5:10-5:50- Magic Show 5:50-6:00 -Q&A https://virtualmagicshow.splashthat.com/