
Need Oracle Application support?

Need a support partner (like you already have with your Accountant or Attorney)? C3 partners with our customers so they can get the most value out of their investment in Oracle software.

C3 Business Solutions prides itself in offering our customers post implementation support. Most of our staff that helped you implement your Oracle software, will be there for you going forward (not the typical support model) with their deep knowledge of your company, its norms and strategies. These days most of our support is offered as a ‘Cloud’ (or remote) offering for efficiency, but for many local companies, we also schedule a regular time to be onsite to work with you face-to-face.

At a high level, we offer two support plans; monthly ongoing support and support on demand. Both plans offer a variety of services such as tier 2 help desk, developers, database administration (DBA), problem triage and improvement assessments.


Partner and budget your support costs with C3’s Power Maintenance Program (PMP). We can be your Tier 2 support provider or augment your existing staff; whatever you need.  The PMP is an administered support program to provide you the services you need with tools and infrastructure.

Ongoing Overview:

  • Monthly Pre-Budgeted Support with ‘No Surprises’
  • Assigned account resource(s) with full C3 access
  • Unused Hours Roll Over to the Next Period
  • Choose the Services You Want
  • All Levels of Support from Functional to Technical and DBA Services
  • On-Site Schedules
  • Monthly or Quarterly Check-ins
  • Use of our Task Management and Monitoring Systems
  • Knowledge base and proactive common issue resolution

On Demand

Maybe your system is stable and/or you are in a ‘maintenance mode’ so your need for regular support is low. C3 can still help when you need us for your Oracle Applications. We keep a knowledge base of our client’s past issues and/or can use a similar resolution to solve issues for you.


How are your Oracle Applications being used? Are they performing? C3 offers a team of people to perform setup, process or technical assessments. C3 assembles a SWAT team of it most experienced people to analyze the desired area(s) and develop a report of finding.  The findings are usually reported as ‘Observations’ and ‘Recommendations’. Assessments are usually done over a 1 or 2 week period and focus on finding 80% of the issues. Many clients have used the assessment results for solving the urgent issues but also a road map of improvement for the next 1 to 5 years. General Assessment Types:

  • State of Union Assessment
    • Review of all areas of your system: SR’s, System Admin, Setup, Functional Use and Development Standards
  • Process Improvement Assessment
    • Focused review of a business area for quantifiable improvements.  General results can include suggested setup changes, user training and/or extension.
  • Technical Assessment
    • Review the desired technical aspects of EBS including performance, architecture setup, development standards and disaster recovery plans.

Custom Development

We have a team of Developers with excellent programming skills, business process knowledge, value judgement and a deep understanding of Oracle Applications. Depending on your needs, our Developers usually work with a functional business analyst on to extend your Oracle Applications in a manner that is not invasive, not duplicating other functionality and supportable thru upgrades.

DBA Services

We have a team of skilled Database Administrators (DBA) with good judgement and a deep understanding of Oracle Applications. Depending on your needs, our DBAs are available ongoing or by project.

Training and Education

We can provide value-added training or an educational solution for Oracle Applications or Oracle Application Express (APEX). Our training is consultative to build a "real" solution instead of generic "how to" training. We can train during an implementation and post implementation to ensure your team performs efficiently, and/or net change Oracle upgrade training.

Training styles are customizable to accommodate your personnel needs. We can train C-Level, functional staff (accounting, operations, manufacturing, procurement, etc.) or technical staff (DBA's, developers, etc.).


Need a team of people to tackle your high priority issues? We can assemble a SWAT team of our most experienced people relative to your issues and deliver solutions or workarounds in just a few hour or days.

Need support? Contact us to discuss your needs today!